Drive to repeal Iowa's gay marriage law losing steam

Sat. July 7, 2012

Des Moines, IA - Support for a gay marriage law in Iowa is increasing as conservative Republicans near a goal of taking back control of the Legislature in the November elections.

Gay marriage celebrated its third anniversary in Iowa on April 3, the date the Iowa Supreme Court handed down its unanimous decision legalizing such unions. Since then, heated social conservatives have successfully campaigned to oust three justices from the bench and the Republican-led House last year approved a constitutional amendment which would define marriage as a heterosexual union.

Democrats in the Senate blocked the amendment from consideration.

But even as opponents overcome one hurdle – control of the Senate – a new one has emerged: time.

"People are getting comfortable with it and that's a shame to tell you the truth," Susan Geddes, a social conservative organizer, told the AP.

The issue, evangelical leaders said, is less prominent now in conservative campaigns.

Geddes said internal polls show support for overturning gay marriage has plummeted. Less than 10 percent of Republican voters consider the issue a high priority.

According to a Des Moines Register poll released in February, already a majority (56%) of Iowans oppose an amendment banning gay marriage.

The earliest a ballot measure could reach the ballot box is 2015.

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