Chely Wright: Some churches want me to stop saying I'm a gay Christian

Sun. July 1, 2012

Country music star Chely Wright has revealed that some churches want her to stop saying that she is a gay Christian.

The 41-year-old Wright appeared on cabler Current TV's Viewpoint to pitch her coming out documentary Wish Me Away, which is now available for viewing on iTunes and other VOD sites.

Wright, who married her wife Lauren Blitzer-Wright in Connecticut last year, announced in 2010 that she is a lesbian.

"The fans have been interesting," she told guest host John Fugelsang. "The fans have been largely what I expected. Some say, 'Oh, you're gay. I don't care.' Some say, 'Oh, I didn't know that I loved a gay person. I didn't know.' And some say, 'I will never buy your records again. You disgust me.' It's been interesting."

Wright added that she thought until her late teens that she was going to hell for being gay.

"By my late teens I had an understanding from God that, 'No, you're good.' I still knew I had to hide."

"I've not left my faith practice because someone behind a pulpit has told me I need to," she added. "I've received letters from churches since I came out that told me to stop saying that I'm a gay Christian. That they won't have it."

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