Mon. June 4, 2012
Salt Lake City, Utah -
A straight group of Mormons -- including parents and children -- marched in Salt Lake City's Gay Pride Parade on Sunday, to the shock and delight of the crowd.
Members of the group, Mormons Building Bridges, says on their Facebook Pagethat "we are faithful Latter-day Saints dedicated to sharing a message of love and acceptance with the LGBT community. We seek to build bridges of understanding and respect after many years of strife and heartbreak."
The Salt Lake City Tribune reported that the message was well-received.
"In tears. Over 300 straight, active Mormons showed up to march with me at the Utah Pride parade in support of LGBT people," tweeted Parade Grand Marshal Dustin Lance Black.
"We are huge supporters of human rights, civil rights," LDS member Terry Draper told the Deseret Sun. "We decided this was something we wanted to express."
Judging by the group's Facebook page, Mormons in other cities also plan to join Pride Parades this summer.
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