Maryland's highest court recognizes gay marriage

Sat. May 19, 2012

Maryland's highest court on Friday recognized the out-of-state marriage of a lesbian couple.

In a unanimous decision, the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that Virginia Cowan, 32, and Jessica Port, 29, were entitled to divorce under Maryland law. The women married in 2008 in California and denied a divorce in 2010 by a Maryland trial court.

"A valid out-of-state same-sex marriage should be treated by Maryland courts as worthy of divorce, according to the applicable statues, reported cases, and court rules of this state," the court said.

Maryland lawmakers legalized marriage – and by extension divorce – for gay couples earlier this year. The law, however, will not take effect until January and opponents have vowed to repeal it at the ballot box in November.

The decision means that whatever the outcome of the proposed referendum, Maryland will recognize the out-of-state marriages of gay couples.

"The high court of Maryland confirmed today in this divorce case that out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples are entitled to legal recognition under longstanding principles of comity, allowing this couple the same access to a divorce as other married couples whose relationships have ended. The Court of Appeals' ruling establishes that Maryland law respects marriages of same-sex couples entered elsewhere, bringing clarity to the legal recognition due these marriages," said Susan Sommer, director of constitutional litigation at Lambda Legal, which represented Cowan in the case.

Port was represented by the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR).

"There are many same-sex spouses who married elsewhere who now live in Maryland," said Shannon Minter, legal director for NCLR. "This ruling ensures that they have all the same rights as any other married couple in Maryland. This is a powerful decision that will provide enormous security and protection to thousands of families."

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