Obama's campaign website headline: 'Same-sex couples should be able to get married'

Thu. May 10, 2012

Washington , D.C. - Cynics rushed in on Thursday morning as President Obama's re-election campaign rushed to make some hay out of the President's new pro-gay marriage stance.

The Obama 2012 website featured a clip from the ABC News interview in which he said that he now supports gay marriage.

The page featured his quote: "Same-sex couples should be able to get married."

FOX News noted that on Thursday night, the President will attend a fundraiser in Hollywood hosted by actor George Clooney.

"Hollywood is home to some of the most high-profile backers of gay marriage and the 150 donors who are paying $40,000 to attend Clooney's dinner Thursday night will no doubt feel newly invigorated by Obama's watershed announcement the day before," FOX News said.

On Wednesday the Log Cabin Republicans, a group of gay and gay-rights-supporting Republicans, called the President's evolution on gay marriage "offensive and callous."

A Gallup poll released this week found 50 percent of all adults in favor of legal recognition of same-sex marriages.

Same-sex marriage is legal in Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Washington state as well as the District of Columbia.

Related: Reaction to Obama's statement on same-sex marriage

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