University of Nebraska football coach faces heat for anti-gay comments

Fri. April 27, 2012

Lincoln, Nebraska - University of Nebraska football running coach Ron Brown is not backing down from comments he made opposing an LGBT non-discrimination ordinance in Omaha.

Brown was one of dozens of people who spoke during a city council meeting debating the lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual protections. He listed his address as "One Memorial Stadium," which is the home of Nebraska's storied football team.

"For those of you on this council who have a relationship with Christ, and only you know if you do, you will be held to great accountability for the decision you make," Brown said.

When news got out, several prominent people, including Lincoln Board of Education member Barbara Baier, demanded that he be fired.

The University is not firing him, but they are trying to back off from him, after first telling an Associated Press reporter that Brown is "trustworthy," has a "lot of integrity" and is a good role model.

"The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska has made it clear that the university does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. And only the board can speak on university policy and practices," said UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman.

"I can assure you that Ron's comments are reflective of his own views and do not represent those of the Athletic Department or the University," said NU Athletic Director Tom Osborne in an emailed response to a gay alumni who said that he spends $1,000 on football tickets every year.

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