I'm Your Man - Timothy James Beck

Fri. March 4, 2005

They say that lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice, but they also say bad things happen in threes. No matter which is really correct, neither applies when Timothy James Beck puts pen to the paper or fingers to a keyboard. Because when Beck writes, I am completely engulfed in the story and can’t stop reading.

Author of It Had to be You and He’s the One, Beck has recently released a third novel I’m Your Man. Each book is uniquely tied together to the others without going as far as being labeled an actual trilogy. A surprisingly charming and endearing aspect that appeals to those who like the idea of serial novels and those who prefer to read something which stands alone.

I’m Your Man brings the reader back to New York City into Hell’s Kitchen where Blaine Dunhill is now separated from his lover of three years Daniel Stephenson. The couple we rooted for has parted ways and nothing is as it seems it would be. Though success has found each character in their careers the loss of the power couple leaves Blaine reeling to answer the questions so many of us face: What do I do now? Can we get back together? Do I even want to get back together? What about our plans?

And what about those plans; especially the one where Blaine and Daniel wanted to start a family and have a baby? When Blaine decides to take his friend Gretchen up on becoming a co-parent and move forward with having that baby things get complicated.

Add in Blaine’s New Age boss who has been battling her arch nemesis for centuries in previous lives, the ex-family, the ex-lover’s ex-lover and his boyfriend, a Native American Spiritual Advisor who used to date the one person in the world Blaine can’t stand, and a surprise lesbianic twist that no one sees coming and you have all the extras that make for a great gay novel! But even with all the extras, the plot doesn’t lack. The novel is well written and thought out. No questions are left unanswered and all mysteries are revealed by the end. It was a great read, start to finish.

So no matter if you are looking for just one book with as many surprises, twists, and turns as an author who doesn’t really exist himself (did I mention Beck is really four talented authors writing as a team??). Or if you need three excellent novels to fill a few nights at home while Must See TV is in rerun then I’m Your Man is definitely a must read for you!

Written By Cam Lindquist

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