Gay Vote: Illinois voters head to polls

Tue. March 20, 2012

Chicago, IL - Tuesday is primary day in Illinois. The polls opened at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.

Eyes are focused on the outcome of the presidential primary in the state, where 69 GOP delegates are up for grabs. The Democratic primary for president is uncontested.

Voters will also be picking candidates for Congress, the Illinois legislature as well as judges in Cook County.

Chicago Board of Elections Chairman Langdon Neal called the Illinois primary an "important election."

Key congressional races include 9th District Democrats Jan Schakowsky of Evanston vs. Simon Ribeiro of Evanston.

In the 14th District race for representative, voters will be choosing between two longtime community activists. Kelly Cassidy vs. Paula Basta, both of whom support marriage equality, boast records of fighting for LGBT people and offer a progressive agenda. Only one thing is certain in this race, the winner is going to be an out lesbian.

For a complete breakdown of races important to the LGBT community, check the Windy City Times Primary Election Guide.

Chicago Board of Elections:

View a full list of Equality Illinois Political Action Committee endorsed candidates:

To find your polling place and a sample ballot check these online county resources:

Cook County:

DuPage County:

Kane County:

Lake County:

McHenry County:

Will County:

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