Conservatives condemn GLAAD's repository of anti-gay rhetoric

Mon. March 19, 2012

Social conservatives listed in a just-launched online repository of anti-gay rhetoric have condemned the project.

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation's (GLAAD) Commentator Accountability Project (CAP) highlights the anti-gay rhetoric of frequent media commentators.

"The Commentator Accountability Project is bringing all of these statements to light, while calling attention to the sentiments behind them," the project's description reads. "We will show that the commentators who are most often asked to opine on issues like marriage equality or non-discrimination protections do not accurately represent the 'other side' of those issues. They represent nothing but extreme animus toward the entire LGBT community."

The project currently lists 36 conservatives who have railed against gay rights. Many of those listed are frequent guests on cable and network news programs and are often quoted in the mainstream media.

Radio talk show Kevin McCullough, who is listed on CAP as saying, "Being gay kills people," warned that GLAAD is a pawn of the devil that wants him dead.

"Someone asked me before I went on the show today, 'What do you think their end goal in developing this list is? Is it just to get you blackballed off media?'" McCullough told listeners. "I said, no, they want me dead. They are not going to be happy until my voice goes dark."

The Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber called it an "Orwellian blacklist" created by "homo-fascists" trying to "silence Christian warriors."

Quoted on the project's site are Tony Perkins, Bob Vander Plaats, Brian Brown, Candi Cushman, Bryan Fischer, Maggie Gallagher, Ken Hutcherson, Peter LaBarbera, Scott Lively, Alan Chambers, Albert Mohler, Bill Donohue, Bob Emrich, Brian Camenker, Christopher Plante, Chuck Colson, David Barton, Don Wildmon, Frank Turek, Gary Bauer, Glenn Stanton, Harry Jackson, Jennifer Roback Morse, Jim Daly, Jim Garlow, Joseph Farah, Kevin McCullough, Lou Engle, Mat Staver, Matt Barber, Michael Brown, Penny Nance, Peter Sprigg, Rick Scarborough, Robert George and Tim Wildmon.

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