Gay porn actor/director Shawn Loftis gets teaching certificate back

Tue. March 13, 2012

Miami, Florida - Gay porn director and actor Shawn Loftis, aka Collin O'Neal, can once again pursue a career in teaching, Florida's Education Practices Commission has ruled.

The Commission's decision comes after Loftis was fired from a subsitute teaching job in Miami-Dade Public Schools last year. The district said that Loftis had shown "gross immorality," and engaged in "personal conduct which seriously reduces his effectiveness as an employee of the school board."

"Porn is not moral turpitude," he said.

Loftis said that being in the porn industry and running his own company, "World of Men," have taught him valuable lessons that he can pass on to students in a G-rated fashion.

"If the kids ever brought [up the issue in] my class, I would talk to them about how it was not one of my better decisions, and that they have to keep on a right track, that they have to go to college, they have to live within their means," he told NBC Miami.

However, just because he can get his teaching certificate back doesn't mean he'll get a job.

"School districts are under no obligation to provide employment to any individual just because he or she has a teaching certificate," Miami-Dade spokesman John Schuster told the Miami Herald.

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