Photo of gay Marine kissing boyfriend in Hawaii goes viral

Mon. February 27, 2012

Marine Sgt. Brandon Morgan was thrilled to see his partner, Dalan Wells, when he returned to Hawaii recently and there's a photo of them kissing to prove it.

The picture, posted on the "Gay Marines" Facebook page, had been liked by 21,000 people as of Monday afternoon. More than 4,500 people had commented.

"To everyone who has responded in a positive way. My partner and I want to say thank you," Sgt. Morgan told Joe.My.God. "We didn't do this to get famous, or something like that we did this cause after 3 deployments and four years knowing each other, we finally told each other how we felt."

"As for the whole PDA and kissing slash hugging in was a homecoming…the Sergeants Major, Captains, Majors, and Colonels around us didn't care."

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