Equality Illinois appoints new finance/administration director

Fri. February 24, 2012

Chicago, IL - Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois, on Friday announced the appointment of Angelo Barone as the organization's new Director of Finance and Administration.

Prior to joining Equality Illinois, Angelo held senior finance/administration roles in both the private and not-for-profit sectors, owned an art gallery in Rome, and for many years worked in the debt capital markets.

"Angelo is responsible for providing strategic leadership while building and managing the day-to-day financial and administrative systems needed to support the growth of Equality Illinois and our affiliated organizations," Cherkasov said. "We are very pleased to add his expertise and experience to our professional management team to advance the civil rights of the LGBT community in the state."

Equality Illinois, the state's oldest and largest LGBT advocacy organization, employs full-time public policy, community outreach and fundraising experts, as well as an experienced operations manager and media liaison. It also retains a professional bipartisan lobbying team in Springfield to monitor legislation and issues. "As we pursue full equality, we must make sure that our donors are confident that our organization wisely manages the dollars that they have contributed to this important cause and that we carry the message of equality in a forceful yet responsible way to the public and the decision-makers throughout the state. That is what our professional team is designed to do," Cherkasov said.

From a Press Release

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