Weekly Youth Events

Sun. October 17, 2004


Agency: CALOR

Program: The WORD!

Times: 5-8:00

Location: 3206 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago

Ages: Youth & Young Adults

Target: LGBTQ

For More Information: Call 773-235-3161 x 232 or email


Agency: Howard Brown Health Center

Program: SHOUT! Coming Out Group

Times: Call for Information!


Ages: 12 to 24

Target: LGBTQ Youth

For More Information: Call 773-388-8934 or email

Agency: Questioning Youth Center (QYC)

Program: QYC DeKalb

Times: 6:30-9:00

Location: DeKalb

Ages: 14-18

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information: Call 630-415-2053 or email

Agency: Questioning Youth Center (QYC)

Program: QYC Glen Ellyn

Times: 6:30-9:00

Location: Glen Ellyn

Ages: 14-18

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information: Call 630-415-2053 or email

Agency: Oak Park Area Lesbian & Gay Association

Program: Spectrum Young Adult Group

Times: 7:00-9:30

Location: 1145 Westgate, Suite 206, Oak Park

Ages: 18-25

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information: Call 708-386-3463 or email

Agency: Center on Halsted / Horizons Community Center

Program: Teen Drop In

Times: 3:00-6:00

Location: 961 West Montana, Chicago

Ages: 13-19

Target: LGBTQ Teens

For More Information: Call 773-472-6469


Agency: Questioning Youth Center (QYC)

Program: QYC Woodstock

Times: 6:30-9:00

Location: Woodstock

Ages: 14-18

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information: Call 630-415-2053 or email

Agency: Questioning Youth Center (QYC)

Program: QYC Naperville

Times: 6:30-9:00

Location: Naperville

Ages: 16-20

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information: Call 630-415-2053 or email

Agency: Oak Park Area Lesbian & Gay Association

Program: Amigos Latinos Apoyando Siempre (ALAS)

Times: 7:30-9:30

Location: 1145 Westgate, Suite 206, Oak Park

Ages: 18-25

Target: Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning Latino Young Men

For More Information: Call 708-386-3463 or email

Agency: Center on Halsted / Horizons Community Center

Program: Youth Drop In

Times: 3:00-8:00

Location: 961 West Montana, Chicago

Ages: 13-23

Target: LGBTQ

For More Information: Call 773-472-6469


Agency: Howard Brown Health Center

Program: Youth Sexual Health Clinic

Times: 5-7:30

Location: 4025 N. Sheridan, Chicago

Ages: 12-24

Target: Youth

For More Information: Call 773-572-6983 or email

Agency: Links- North Shore Youth Health Service

Program: Pride Youth Northfield Drop In

Times: 6:00-9:00

Location: 1779 Maple Street, Northfield

Ages: 13 to 18

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information:

Agency: Questioning Youth Center (QYC)

Program: Our Turn

Times: 6:30-9:00 / First Wednesday of the Month

Location: Call for Location

Ages: 14-21

Target: Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning Women

For More Information: Call 630-415-2053 or email

Agency: Illinois Gender Advocates & Howard Brown Health Center

Program: Transgender Youth Resource & Advocacy (TYRA)

Times: 6:00-8:00

Location: 925 W. Diversey, Chicago

Ages: 14-24

Target: Tranz & Gender-Questioning Youth

For More Information: Call 773-524-3154 or email

Agency: Oak Park Area Lesbian & Gay Association

Program: Pink Ladies

Times: 7:00-9:00

Location: 1145 Westgate, Suite 206, Oak Park

Ages: 14-25

Target: Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning Young Women

For More Information: Call 708-386-3463 or email

Agency: Center on Halsted / Horizons Community Center

Program: Young Women’s Program


Location: 961 West Montana, Chicago

Ages: 13-23

Target: LBTQ Women

For More Information: Call 773-472-6469


Agency: Howard Brown Health Center

Program: Positive Youth Group

Times: 6-8:00

Location: 4025 N. Sheridan, Chicago

Ages: 16-24

Target: HIV + Youth

For More Information: Call 773-388-8930 or email

Agency: Links- North Shore Youth Health Service

Program: Pride Youth Palatine Drop In

Times: 6:00-9:00

Location: 1025 N. Smith Road, Palatine

Ages: 13 to 18

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information:

Agency: Questioning Youth Center (QYC)

Program: QYC Aurora

Times: 6:30-9:00

Location: Aurora

Ages: 16-20

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information: Call 630-415-2053 or email

Agency: Oak Park Area Lesbian & Gay Association

Program: Prism Youth Group

Times: 6:30-9:00

Location: 1145 Westgate, Suite 206, Oak Park

Ages: 14-18

Target: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

For More Information: Call 708-386-3463 or email

Agency: Center on Halsted / Horizons Community Center

Program: Youth Drop In

Times: 3:00-8:00

Location: 961 West Montana, Chicago

Ages: 13-23

Target: LGBTQ

For More Information: Call 773-472-6469


Agency: Howard Brown Health Center

Program: Youth Drop In

Times: 6-9:00

Location: 2861 N. Clark Street, Chicago

Ages: 12-24

Target: Youth

For More Information: Call 773-572-6983 or email

Agency: Affinity Community Services

Program: XPU (Xpressions of You) Youth Drop In’s

Times: 3rd Friday of each month

Location: 5650 S. Woodlawn, Garden Level



For More Information: Call 773-324-0377 or email


Agency: Howard Brown Health Center

Program: SYNERGY Youth Dances

Times: One/Month @ 8-11:30

Location: 929 W. Belmont, Chicago

Ages: 12-24

Target: LGBTQ Youth

For More Information: Call 773-388-1600 x 3367 or email

Agency: Project VIDA

Program: LINX

Times: 1:00-3:00

Location: 2757 S. Keeler Avenue, Chicago

Ages: 15-24

Target: Latino & African American Young Men

For More Information: Call 773-277-2291 or email

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