Tue. December 6, 2011
Traverse City, Mich. -
Kids at a school in Traverse, Mich., are once again singing "Don we now our gay apparel" after a teacher made national headlines trying to take the line out of the traditional Christmas carol "Deck the Halls."
Students at Cherry Knoll couldn't make it through the line without giggling, the teacher said, so she substituted the word "bright" for "gay."
"There had been students that had been snickering at the lyrics in 'Deck the Halls' and she had attempted to get them back on track quite a few times," Principal Chris Parker told UpNorthLive.
Parker said that the teacher should have used the moment to teach the kids two things. First, that the word means "happy" in this instance, and second, that being "gay" is not something kids should be making fun of.
"We have an anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policy that includes sexual orientation. So going forward, the teacher will address the way we are supposed to be respectful about this," Parker said.
First and second graders will sing the song -- with the traditional lyrics -- at their Christmas concert on Dec. 20.
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