Michele Bachmann trying to use gay marriage to rally support in Iowa

Sun. December 4, 2011

Des Moines, Iowa - With just a month left until the Iowa primary, Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is trying to make hay out of gay marriage.

"Marriage historically for all human history has been between a man and a woman," she said on FOX News Sunday. "Remember that in Iowa, it was judges that made the decision [to legalize gay marriage]. Not the legislature which are the people's representatives, and certainly not the people."

Bachmann pointed out that Iowans voted three of the seven judges who unanimously approved gay marriage out last year.

On Wednesday, a 16-year-old girl asked Bachmann at a town hall in Iowa what she would do to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents.

Bachmann said she'd make sure they got the same civil rights as others. But when the girl asked about same-sex marriage rights, Bachmann said they already had those.

"They can get married. They can marry a man if they are a woman," Bachmann said.

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