Thu. December 1, 2011
Northampton, Mass. -
Two Massachusetts lesbians are hoping you'll be waking up to their 100 percent Fair Trade "Gay Coffee."
Melissa Krueger and her partner Mary came up with the business idea this past Spring, when New York State legalized gay marriage. Krueger was already in the business of selling coffee at her Northampton cafe, "Elbow Room."
Krueger roasts each batch herself, after buying the beans from growers she's personally met in Nicaragua.
"The whole concept of coffee being 'gay' is, of course, totally silly – coffee can't be gay!" Krueger told "We live in an era of mega-mass consumerism where everything is ultra-branded to represent something more than just a product. Gay Coffee is, in part, poking fun at the very concept of this kind of branding by owning it and having fun with it."
The coffee is marketing in blends called "Second Date," "Weekend Pass," "Red Hanky Roast," "Good Morning Mary" and "Stone Butch Breakfast Blend."
It's sold for $13/pound on g One percent of all proceeds go to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
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