Internet Traffic Tops 350,000 Terabytes Per Month

Tue. January 18, 2000

New Study Shows Data Traffic has Surpassed Traffic on the Voice Network

Champaign, IL - Internet traffic in North America has reached 350,000 terabytes per month according to a new study by telecom market research firm RHK (Ryan Hankin Kent, Inc). Spurred by more users, complex graphics, new applications and an increase in sophisticated web business presence, Internet traffic continues to soar to dramatic new levels, driving the need for new, denser equipment solutions in a still evolving service provider network architecture. In its new "Internet Traffic Report", RHK concludes that this dramatic Internet traffic volume reflects the continuing phenomenal growth of the Internet and indicates that data traffic has surpassed the amount of voice traffic carried on the incumbent voice network infrastructure.

RHK's research indicates that streaming media now accounts for 10% of all Internet traffic, while relatively new techniques carrying voice and fax over IP represents 2-3% of the traffic mix. The following chart summarizes RHK's estimate of current Internet traffic and growth rates. These and other conclusions are examined in the report that addresses the needs of service providers and vendors seeking to understand traffic patterns and drivers of future growth.

"These findings indicate that bandwidth requirements at all points in the network will continue to increase", observes RHK's Director of Edge Switching & Routing, Tracey Vanik. "Service providers and carriers will need to deploy more systems with higher capacities to support this continuing growth of Internet traffic."

RHK also predicts that an increase in data-intensive applications as well as faster access technologies for both home and business will continue to fuel the phenomenal growth of the Internet. Collectively, DSL technologies and cable modems now serves 1.5 million homes in North America. Although this is a significant number, it represents only 1% of homes in the U.S. and Canada. Additionally, RHK expects to see multiple forms of wireless communications deployed over the next year, increasing domestic and international Internet access options, even in less developed countries.

RHK's "Internet Traffic Report" is based on interviews with engineers at top Internet backbone operation centers, regional traffic requirements, and network statistics. In addition, RHK considered the amount of network equipment being deployed in Internet backbones and edge topology.

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