Keyes Trashes Gays & Mary Cheney At GOP Convention

Wed. September 1, 2004

McCain: "I think it's clear we lose Illinois."

New York City - Republicans Tuesday wrote off a Senate win in Illinois and likely any chance of keeping control of the chamber following a series of inflammatory statements about gays and the lesbian daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney.

In an interview with editorialist and the host of his own Sirius OutQ radio, Michaelangelo Signorile, Alan Keys said that homosexuality is "selfish hedonism." Signorile then asked Keyes, the GOP candidate for the US Senate in Illinois, whether he considered Mary Cheney is a "selfish hedonist."

"Of course she is," Keyes replied. "That goes by definition. Of course she is."

"If we embrace homosexuality as a proper basis for marriage, we are saying that it's possible to have a marriage state that in principle excludes procreation and is based simply on the premise of selfish hedonism," he told Signorile and Corey Johnson Sirius OutQ political reporter on air.

Keyes then went on to proclaim that homosexuality is only the sexual stimulation of the genitals it is not about sexuality because it doesn't produce children.

And, that, said Keys is the reason gays marriage must not be permitted.

When Signorile asked about the marriages of heterosexuals such is Bob and Elizabeth Dole who cannot have children Keys said they were "only incidentally" incapable of procreating. Keyes said that the Dole's marriage was valid because they were biologically capable of having children but physically unable.

Keyes has been making the talk show rounds at the convention. When asked about his remarks on another syndicated show Keyes was not in the mood for moderating his comments. "If my daughter were a lesbian, I would tell her she was committing a sin and should pray about it," he said.

The interviewer then said: "I don't think Dick Cheney would like to hear that about his daughter." To which Keyes shot back: "Dick Cheney may or many not like to hear the truth, but it can be spoken."

In another interview Keyes said that: "I have said that if you are actively engaging in homosexual relations, those relations are about selfish hedonism."

"If my daughter were a lesbian, I'd look at her and say, `That is a relationship that is based on selfish hedonism.' I would also tell my daughter that it's a sin, and she needs to pray to the Lord God to help her to deal with that sin."

"Alan Keyes may be nutty and kooky but he represents many of the leaders in the Republican Party and the minions who follow him," Signorile told

"At least he's being honest at a time when George W. Bush and the RNC are trying put on a mask of moderation and compassion," Signorile said.

“In a political career defined by failures, this is a new low for Alan Keyes,” said Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director Patrick Guerriero. “Attacking politician’s children is beyond the pale, even for an extremist like Alan Keyes.”

“Alan Keyes is good at two things-losing elections and dividing Americans,” continued Guerriero.

Republican Party leaders are distancing themselves from both Keyes and his bid for the Senate.

Steve Schmidt, a spokesperson for the Bush-Cheney campaign, called Keyes' remarks about Mary Cheney "inappropriate".

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) also called the comments about the Vice President's daughter inappropriate. "But it's not the first inappropriate remark Mr. Keyes has made," McCain told reporters in North Middleton Township, Pa., where he was campaigning with President Bush .

"He made a remark the other day that people who perform abortions are the same as terrorists. That's a very unique take on that issue and one that's very seldom espoused."

Asked about the GOP's chances of holding the Senate McCain said, "I think it's clear we lose Illinois."

Illinois Republican Party Chairwoman Judy Baar Topinka said Keyes' remarks about Cheney's daughter shouldn't distract from key election issues.

"It's a pity that we have gotten away from the substance of the campaign and instead have gotten into personalities and things that are personal and name-calling," Topinka told the Chicago Tribune.

On the weekend Keyes joined black ministers and anti-gay activists from across the U.S.on The Mall in Washington to call for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

The Maryland conservative radio commentator who was parachuted into Illinois to run against Democrat wunderkind Barack Obama has a long history of anti-gay rhetoric.

He has spoken out against adding sexuality to human rights laws federally and in Maryland, he opposes same-sex marriage and has fought against including gays in hate crimes laws. Keyes has consistently maintained that gay rights cannot be compared to the struggle for equality faced by African Americans.

by Doug Windsor Newscenter

New York Bureau

© 2004

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