Gay social network to cease operation at year end

Fri. November 4, 2011

Chicago, IL - The gay social network will be closing December 31, 2011. Limits in their service have already begun.

According to a statement on their site today DList cited changes in social networking:

"DList started back in 2006, when the world of social networking was still in its infancy. Facebook was still exclusively for college students and had limited privacy options. Myspace was booming but if you didn't want to be totally out to everyone you were out of luck. There were very limited options for gay guys to be themselves online---places where you could freely discuss your late night trysts, random crushes, and anything else about your life as a gay man, from the mundane to the most fascinating.

"Fast forward to the end of 2011. Facebook has more than 800 million users, including your mom, your boss, some childhood friends, and just about everyone else you encounter. They've even added somewhat decent privacy filters so that you can be your best and worst self to different crowds of people in your life. While MySpace is practically dead, new social networking experiences like Twitter and Tumblr have entered the game and flourished. And, well, there just isn't as much of a need anymore for DList. Two other large, exclusively gay social sites have closed their doors over the past year too, and we don't think it's a coincidence. Without as much interest or need, we just can't keep the community going as a vital, vibrant, sexy and fun place to express yourself. And no one wants to be a bore."

According to statistics compiled by, the major Internet barometer, a precipitous drop in traffic to the site has occurred over the past year. Advertisers who use web sites to promote their products carefully watch the standings and traffic of sites and an ability to generate revenue becomes compromised with poor numbers.

DList was most popular with males in the 18-24 age group.

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