Tue. October 11, 2011
Hopkinton, N.H. -
Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney is finding himself trying to fend off questions about his stance on social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.
On Monday during a townhall meeting in New Hampshire, a woman who had been raised by her mother and grandmother asked Romney while he felt that a father and mother were necessary for success.
"The ideal setting to raise a child for a society like ours is when there's a man and woman in the marriage," Romney said, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Some people -- including his GOP opponents -- have argued that Romney's views on abortion and gay right have been wobbling from one side to the next over his career as a politician. The LA Times said that Romney did at one point support civil unions, but only as a way to keep gays from actually trying to get married.
The questioner at Monday's townhall persisted.
He did not vary his answer when another young woman told him she had been raised by two women – her mother and her grandmother – and pressed him to explain why that was not an ideal setting.
He argued that society has considered a relationship between "one man and one woman" as marriage for "6,000 years."
Another person asked if he would support civil unions; his answer indicated he supports some rights (like hospital visitation rights) for gay and lesbian partners.
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