GOP candidate Rick Santorum worried about gay soldiers in showers

Sun. October 9, 2011

Washington, D.C. - Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum continued his obsession with gay soldiers in the shower during an appearance on "FOX News Sunday."

"The problem is that sexual activity with people who you are in close quarters with who happen to be of the same sex is different that being open about your sexuality," he told FOX News Sunday host Chris Wallace, in an attempt to explain why he's opposed to the end of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Wallace asked him if he thought gay soldiers would "go after" straight soldiers.

"They're in close quarters, they live with people, they obviously shower with people," Santorum repeated.

He also disputed the fact that people who are gay or lesbian are born that way.

"You are black by the color of the skin, you are not homosexual necessarily," he said.

Santorum is lagging behind the other candidates in fundraising and in polls. He also told Wallace he's raised less than a million dollars in the past three months; some candidates have pulled in more than 15 million dollars.

Santorum placed third in the "Value Voters Summit" straw poll this past weekend. Ron Paul earned 37 percent; Herman Cain 23 percent; and Santorum pulled in 16 percent.

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