KY- lubricant ad features lesbian couple

Sun. September 4, 2011

New York City - K-Y brand lubricants is launching a television advertisement on Monday that will feature a lesbian couple.

This is the first time K-Y has used a lesbian couple in their ads; they've been featuring gay men for three years now.

In the ad, the couple sits on their bed and talks about how their relationship is strengthened by communication... and K-Y Jelly.

"Since 1998, the company has sponsored dozens of LBGT and HIV/AIDS organizations and has also participated at LGBT Pride celebrations and other community events," a spokesperson told the Daily Mail. "Gay male couples have been featured in print advertising since 2008 and now the brand is continuing its tradition of support and visibility with advertising that is inclusive of lesbian couples."

The ad ends with the tag line: "Makes that big moment feel even bigger."

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