Consumers Likely to Spend $10 Billion on Tech Gadgets

Fri. November 17, 2000

Dallas, TX - A nationwide poll predicts that 40 million people will purchase personal technology items for their loved ones this holiday season. From cellular phones to digital still cameras, Internet audio players and personal digital assistants (PDAs), consumers said they will spend approximately $250 each, resulting in $10 billion this year on electronic devices. Citing decreasing prices and the necessity to communicate with loved ones as the top reasons they will rush to store shelves this December, consumers proved that tech gadgets are now an essential part of our everyday lives.

"The combination of convenience and increased functionality has transformed these gadgets from "luxury" or "techie" items to must-haves for today's busy consumer," said Doug Rasor, vice president of strategic marketing for Texas Instruments. "TI DSP and analog chips provide the engines that enable the convenient size, powerful features and increased usability that is driving the popularity of many of today's hottest personal technology items."

"The past year has shown the tremendous growth of electronic devices such as Internet audio players, digital cameras and PDAs, and consumer demand continues to drive innovative new features." said Chris Schairbaum, new business manager, emerging markets for Texas Instruments.

No longer luxury items, electronic devices help consumers stay organized and allow them to communicate with friends, colleagues and family anytime, anywhere and are sure to find their way under many Christmas trees this year.

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