Sat. August 27, 2011
Mount Dora, Fla. -
High school social studies teacher Jerry Buell, who wrote on his Facebook page that New York's legalization of gay marriage made him want to "throw up," is back in his classroom at Mount Dora High School in Florida.
Buell was removed from his classroom after someone noticed the post, in which he also called gay marriage a "sin" and New York a "cesspool."
An unusual alliance of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the (Christian) Liberty Council pushed for Buell's right to speak his mind.
So this past Thursday, Buell teaching again.
"If I did not stand up for my rights after telling my students to stand up for their rights then I would be a hypocrite. It's been a lesson. It's been a heck of a lesson," he said as he stood with his attorney.
Buell makes no secret of his Christian views and even mentions God on his syllabus: "I teach God's truth, I make very few compromises. If you believe you may have a problem with that, get your schedule changed, 'cause I ain't changing!"
Buell insists his personal views won't impact the kids in the classroom, reports the Orlando Sentinel.
"I tell all my students: 'I love you guys and I'll give you the best I have.' There's no reason for them to be afraid. They will be protected and looked after," he said.
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