Tue. August 23, 2011
Chicago, IL -
Yes, bisexual man, you really are attracted to both men and women.
That's the conclusion of a new Northwestern University study, and it contradicts a 2005 Northwestern University study that concluded "with respect to sexual arousal and attraction, it remains to be shown that male bisexuality exists."
That reinforced the commonly-held stereotype that bi guys are really just closeted gay men.
In both the 2005 and 2011 studies, researchers showed the subjects gay and straight porn while monitoring their physical responses.
But the male participants in the 2005 study were labeled as gay, straight or bisexual based solely on their responses on a questionnaire, reported the New York Times, while the 2011 participants actually had histories of relationships with people of both genders.
Bottom line: the bi men in the 2011 study are more likely to be legitimately bi, and indeed, their physical reactions to the pornography they were shown indicated they were aroused by both men and women.
For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links),
Tap here.
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