GOP candidate Rick Perry waffles on gay marriage

Mon. August 1, 2011

Denver - Gov. Rick Perry of Texas says legal gay marriage in New York is "fine" and "their business" -- but if he is elected President of the United States, he'd make that state's law everyone's business.

That's the awkward linguistic conundrum Perry finds himself in this week. Perry tried to walk back his comments at the Western Conservative Summit this weekend in Denver.

"I am for the federal amendment banning gay marriage," Perry said, in apparent contradiction to his earlier remarks. "The issue that is most important and is most on people's minds is jobs."

Perry has not officially announced his candidacy, but Rick Santorum has, and he took every opportunity he could to bait Perry on the issue.

"States do not have the right to destroy the American family," Santorum said. "It is not fine with me that New York has destroyed marriage."

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