Brooklyn bishop tells pro-gay marriage lawmakers: Stay out

Thu. July 7, 2011

Brooklyn - Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of the Catholic Dioceses of Brooklyn has told his priests and Catholic school leaders not to invite or even welcome any New York state lawmakers who voted to approve gay marriage.

"We are tampering with nothing less then the laws of God Himself," DiMarzio said in a statement before the law was signed. "Marriage has forever been, is now, and always will be a joining of one man and one woman in an everlasting relationship. It is undeniably consistent with natural law and biology, and should be apparent to all, regardless of religion."

The Christian Post reports that DiMarzio is quite serious about the ban, and is even casting out financial donations from Catholic lawmakers.

Assemblyman Joseph Lentol wrote a $50 check to Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish School, only to have it returned.

"I was certainly surprised because I know the church needs the money and the school certainly needs the money for the scholarship program they run," Lentol said. "I did find another donor to make sure those awards would be given so that the children themselves wouldn't be made to suffer."

The gay marriage law takes effect on July 24.

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