Tue. April 12, 2011
Lynchburg, Va. -
Christian conservatives meeting at a weekend event in Virginia discussed some new tactics in their war against gay and lesbian rights, including a change in semantics.
"Stop using the word `gay,'" advised Ryan Sorba, chairman of the Young Conservatives of California. "If we continue to use this term that is grounded in an identity, we are conceding the premise. I don't believe anyone is born gay. You are your body and your body is pro-creative."
Sorba told the crowd of mostly white-haired old women at the Awakening Conference at Liberty University in Lynchburg to focus on sex. He called being gay or lesbian "a left-wing socio-political identity."
"There's a more dangerous identity coming our way and it's called a 'queer identity' or fluid identity," Sorba warned.
In a video posted on YouTube, the audience took rapt notes.
Sorba recommended using the terms "same-sex attraction, "same-sex intercourse," "sodomy," and unnatural vice" instead of "lesbian" or "gay."
The video was posted online by The American Independent, which has been attending the Awakening Conference. You can read their coverage here.
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