Michele Bachman calls for criminalization of same-sex marriage during speech in Iowa

Tue. April 12, 2011

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Pella, Iowa - Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a Republican who is considering a bid for president in 2012, slammed same-sex marriage in a speech to social conservatives at a Christian school in Iowa.

"In 5,000 years of recorded human history... neither in the east or in the west... has any society ever defined marriage as anything other than between men and women," Bachmann said during the most-recent Iowa Family Leader's presidential lecture series. "Not one in 5000 years of recorded human history. That's an astounding fact and it isn't until the last 12 years or so that we have seen for the first time in recorded human history marriage defined as anything other than between men and between women."

During her hourlong speech to more than 100 social conservatives, reports Bachmann comfortably quoted scripture and supported a ballot measure to criminalize same-sex marriage in Iowa.

Bachmann, a also called for abolishing the entire tax code, the Department of Education and Planned Parenthood, which she called the "LensCrafters of big abortion."

An evangelical conservative, Bachmann is considering a run for president as a member of the Tea Party.

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