Prince William includes RAF transgender team member in wedding invitation

Sat. April 2, 2011

“Ayla is just another member of the team,” said a source.

Anglesey, North Wales - Prince William has invited his Search and Rescue team, including a transgender pilot, to his wedding to Kate Middleton on April 29.

Flight Lieutenant Ayla Holdom, who was born male, is among the 1,000 guests to get an invitation last month.

"There is no way he could exclude any individuals," a source at the base in North Wales told The Sun. "Everyone is touched and excited that the entire unit has been invited to the wedding."

The UK tabloid, which first reported the exclusive, ran the story under the sensational headline: "Prince William's invites for his RAF pals and transsexual."

But members of the team seemed in agreement with Prince Williams' decision to invite Holdom.

"Ayla is just another member of the crew - so why shouldn't she be there," the source told the tabloid.

The 29-year-old is a Sea King helicopter co-pilot and expected to complete her transition in the coming months.

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