Chicago Games Update

Thu. January 29, 2004

Chicago, IL - Chicago's bid for the 2006 Gay GamesĀ® is due in just 3 days - Sunday, 1 February 2004. The ever growing team of community leaders, sports experts, bankers and accountants and even a lawyer or two are busy with last-minute details. The finished product is truly a labor of love - with a lot of blood, sweat and tears thrown in to get it done in time. We will propose an event that will be inspiring for all, showcasing the City of Chicago and its diversity, and setting an example for all future Gay Games. As important, the business plan is fiscally sound, avoids excessive expenditures, includes contingency and backup plans, and can be managed by our community without harm to existing organizations. Indeed - with the City's Convention and Visitor's Bureau estimated at least US$25 million in economic impact back to Chicago if we host the Gay Games, this event has the potential to be a serious economic boost to our community and the City.

The list of people and organizations to thank is extensive. Just a few of our supporters are listed to the right - those groups who stepped forward to say "we will support you." These supporters have promised expertise, volunteers, event planning and cash contributions. Thank you!

Bidding Calendar

We will know the decision of the Federation of Gay Games (FGG) in just 5 weeks.

1 Feb - Bid due to the Federation of Gay Games

3 Feb - Bid document available for public review

1-10 Feb - Q&A period between FGG and CGI

11-29 Feb - FGG Discussion and Debate

1 Mar - FGG Vote between Chicago and Los Angeles

2 Mar - FGG Announcement

3 Mar - One day to celebrate, then the real fun begins!

How Can You Help?

If Chicago is chosen to host the 2006 Gay Games, we will need to begin work immediately. The shortened calendar means we will only have 27.5 months to get ready. Early months will be critical for establishing worldwide outreach, finalizing venue contracts, raising money, and exciting our local community about the opportunity to showcase Chicago.

We know many of you have offered to volunteer and we appreciate your patience as the bid preparing team compiled the data for our plan. We plan to take you up on your offer during the month of February. Our goal is to develop additional infrastructure so that if we are chosen to host the Gay Games, we can begin work immediately. We need some volunteers in the following areas:

Outreach: Technically savvy people to help put together a contact list of worldwide GLBT sports teams and a calendar of worldwide GLBT sports tournaments. Knowledge of the Internet and Excel required.

Outreach: Foreign language speakers, especially those with skills in Spanish, German, French and Portuguese, to identify contacts and translate emails and documents for outreach to Mexico, the Caribbean, Central/South America and Europe. Fluency required - written translation abilities a plus. If you have an idea here, let us know!

Fundraising: Connected and motivated people willing to help establish relationships and contacts that could yield corporate sponsorships and individual donations. (Our website has a link for an online donation if you or your friends feel generous today.)

Ambassadors: Well-traveled people who can, in the course of their business or leisure travel schedules, meet with local GLBT sports enthusiasts domestically and internationally to promote Chicago 2006. If we are chosen the host of Gay Games VII, you will be briefed and provided with materials.

Other: Got an idea that you think would help us in February or early March? Email us and let us know!

If you can help with any of these specific tasks, send us an email, identify the task you'd like to help with, and we will reply with more details. Be sure to include your phone number.

Thank You!

Thanks again for your input and support. We'll keep you updated as we move forward, including other opportunities for you to give us your ideas and suggestions. Visit our website frequently for updates and feel free to email us if you have any questions.

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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