Is 'Blaine' (Darren Criss) on 'Glee' going to be bisexual?

Sun. February 13, 2011

Hollywood - In a "Glee" plot twist that will be sure to break Kurt Hummel's heart, some Hollywood pundits claim that Kurt's new boyfriend, Blaine, is going to have a bisexual encounter in an upcoming episode.

Kurt's been longing for Blaine for months now, and finally, in the Valentine's Day episode, he confessed his feelings.

But "After Elton" reports that they have it on reasonably good authority that Blaine will try out romance with the opposite sex, at least for one episode.

"After Elton" is concerned this sends the wrong message about gay men -- basically, that they're confused -- and undermines the confident gay character Darren Criss and the writers of "Glee" have created.

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love a bisexual male character on U.S. network TV, but I think having Blaine think he's bi for an episode potentially sends a really confusing message about the sexuality of gay and bisexual men," writes editor Michael Jensen.

Female characters on "Glee" have also had bisexual encounters.

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