Tue. January 25, 2011
Austin, TX -
One of the groups most opposed to marriage equality seems to be more likely to divorce, according to a recent study.
"Politically and religiously conservative states, especially in the Deep South, exhibit higher divorce rates than politically and religiously liberal states in the Northeast and Midwest," University of Iowa sociology professor Jennifer Glass wrote in her study.
The professor presented her findings at the University of Texas at Austin on Monday as reported by The Daily Texan.
Glass said that the prohibition of sex before marriage among Christians leads to marriage at an earlier age and teachings against abortion and birth control lead to "shotgun weddings."
Young conservative Protestants accelerate faster into adulthood and early marriages. The average age of marriage for American women is 27.
Also according to the study, other factors impacting conservatives in southern states are financial concerns and problems because of lower degrees of education and increased unemployment.
The average divorce rate in the United States is 47.9 percent, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
Ironically, Conservative Christians are one of the most vocal groups opposed to gay unions and marriage. People's views on marriage equality are highly related to party affiliation and religious beliefs.
More Americans continue to oppose (53%) than favor (44%) legal recognition of same-sex marriage according to a Gallup poll last spring. This is the highest level of support found by Gallup since it began asking the question in 1996.
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