Supreme Court won't hear DC gay marriage law appeal

Tue. January 18, 2011

Washington, DC - The Supreme Court on Tueasday rejected an appeal from gay marriage foes hoping to put the District of Columbia's gay marriage law up for a vote, the AP reported.

Bishop Harry Jackson, a minister at the Hope Christian Church in Belstville, Maryland, had challenged a D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics ruling that kept the question of gay marriage off the ballot.

The board had consistently ruled that such a measure would violate the city's Human Rights Act (HRA) that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation. In rejecting the referendum, the board said it would, if approved, authorize "discrimination in contravention of the HRA."

Opponents had argued that the board overstepped its authority and that the citizens should have final say on such matters.

Jackson and his supporters took their case to the Supreme Court after the D.C. Court of Appeals said that the board was within the law in making such a decision. Jackson said the court's split decision (5 to 4) gave him reason to hope.

The Supreme Court did not comment in turning away the challenge.

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