Gery Chico: LGBT community is alive and well in Chicago

Sat. January 15, 2011

"We have to make sure that we harness the specialness in all the people in our city," says Chico

Chicago, IL - Chicago mayoral candidate Gery Chico appeared Thursday on Radio Arte 90.5 WRTE-FM, a Latino public radio station, where he spoke candidly about Chicago's LGBT community during an interview with gay journalist and writer Emmanuel Garcia.

"I think the LGBT community is alive and well outside of Boystown," Chico told Garcia when asked how he might help the LGBT community thrive in Chicago. "I think it is all over our metropolitan area."

"I'm the only candidate that has proposed a full platform for LGBT rights. I was the only candidate in 2004 when I ran for United States Senate to support gay marriage. And I was the only candidate to come out with a full platform this time around as I ran for mayor."

A Chicago-native, Chico formerly served as Richard M. Daley's Chief of Staff, President of the Board of Trustees of Chicago Public Schools, President of the Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Park District and Board Chair of the City Colleges of Chicago.

In discussing equal employment in the city Chico mentioned one of his campaign co-chairs Todd Connor, an out-gay man and former military service member. "He's a great example of what the future of Chicago can be."

"We have to make sure that we harness the specialness in all the people in our city and let them be the face of Chicago because that's the best side when we show it to the world, when we show it to ourselves."

While most LGBT community leaders have avoided openly supporting any mayoral candidates in the race to date, Equality Illinois co-founder Rick Garcia endorsed Chico in December.

During the radio interview Chico also spoke about his plans for addressing Chicago's current budget crisis and his plans for improving the education system.

The mayoral election is Feb. 22.

Click here to listen to the entire interview with Gery Chico by Emmanuel Garcia on Radio Arte 90.5 WRTE-FM.

Radio Arte broadcasts the only Spanish-language LGBT program in the country. For more information about the station visit

To learn more about Gery Chico's campaign and his LGBT platform visit the official website

Race for Mayor, The Gay Vote: As this race continues to heat up, will launch a series of mayoral profiles to run on this site in the coming weeks, spotlighting each of the major candidates' past records on LGBT issues and their proposals for our city's future.

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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