Gay former sailor defends Capt. Honors

Thu. January 6, 2011

Norfolk, VA - A gay former sailor is speaking out in defense of Aircraft carrier Commander Capt. Owen Honors and the lewd videos he produced that included simulated lesbian and gay shower sex scenes and gay slurs.

"Myself, nor the other gay crew members that I knew of at the time, were ever offended by those videos," former Petty Officer Eric Prenger told Norfolk television station WTKR.

Prenger, who is openly gay since leaving the Navy, served aboard the USS Enterprise in 2006 and 2007. He is now leading an effort to organize other gay former Enterprise sailors to support and defend Capt. Honors.

"Obviously my initial reaction was a little bit of a shock to see a Commander, a person of such high rank doing the things he was doing," Prenger said. "To see them call him such names as anti-gay or gay basher or homophobe, for people to say that who didn't even know him or weren't even there to serve under him, it's pretty frustrating."

The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network and number of gay rights groups have been critical of Capt. Owens, but Prenger says:"He was a great man to serve under and this was an unfortunate circumstance and if I can do my part in any way, I'd be more than happy to do so."

Capt. Owens has been relieved of his command and has been placed on desk duty.

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