Social network site created for gay U.S. soldiers

Mon. January 3, 2011

Washington, DC - A new social network site is promising to become the new Facebook for gay and lesbian soldiers as the law repealing the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy is about to take effect.

Launched just over a week ago, has only 53 members right now, but its supporters say that will change with the repeal of DADT.

The website's founder John McKinnon is telling members not to post revealing until the ban is lifted.

"[The site] might be just a little bit early, but it's not too early to join," he told Reuters.

President Barack Obama recently signed a new law repealing the controversial 1993 law, which prevents gay men and lesbians from openly serving in the armed forces.

The military is drafting rules and a specific date for implementation has not been set.

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