15-year-old boy donates sperm to lesbian aunt

Wed. December 29, 2010

Choppington, England - When 20-year-old Charlie Lowden recently died after complications from a routine operation, his parents had no idea he'd left two kids behind.

But Lowden had secretly donated sperm to his lesbian aunt and her partner -- twice -- starting when he was just 15-years-old.

Lowden's donation resulted in two children, Carlton and Sarah. But Lowden's parents had no idea of the secret arrangement until his aunt spilled the beans after he died.

"Charles was very special to me. He was great. When he died, it was our secret. But I had to tell [his mom]. I couldn't go through life not telling her because they are her grandchildren," said Sarah Ashman, one of the lesbian mommies.

Lowden's parents often heard him joking around with the kids, saying: "Who's your daddy? I'm your daddy!" but they had no idea he was serious.

His aunts and his parents consider themselves blessed that a 15-year-old boy could be so open-minded about homosexuality.

"When Charles died we were broken-hearted. We thought we had nothing left of him. But there is. I just wish that we had known about all of this before he died so that Charlie could know we had accepted it," Lynn Lowden told the Telegraph.

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