Pentagon study to show minimal problems with repeal of DADT

Tue. November 30, 2010

Full study due to be released this afternoon

Washington, DC - An initial release of the findings of a Pentagon study on the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) shows that by overwhelming numbers members of the military indicate no problems with gays serving openly in the armed forces according to reports by the Associated Press and the Washington Post this morning.

Reportedly, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen are now meeting with Congressional leaders prior to the official unveiling of the document at 2:30ET this afternoon.

According to preliminary statements, the survey has revealed that 70% of service members see little or no negative impact on the stability and preparedness of the military.

The seventeen year old law passed during the Clinton Administration has been the subject of much controversy and has precipitated court cases and political battles. President Obama has said he supports the repeal.

Newly sworn in Illinois Senator Mark Kirk (R) said today that he will consider the study before making a determination on his vote.

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