Anne Hathaway wants to be Kurt's lesbian aunt on Glee

Sun. November 21, 2010

New York City - Actress Anne Hathaway is hoping that the producers of Glee will come calling, so she can have a cameo as Kurt's lesbian aunt.

Hathaway talked about the idea on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon."

Hathaway already has the character mapped out: she wants to be Kurt's mom's sister, and she wants to sing Stephen Sondheim's "You Are Not Alone" as a duet with Chris Colfer.

"Can I make a confession? In my head, I've already written a part for myself on Glee. That's so arrogant and obnoxious, I know," she said.

After describing the part in detail, she admitted: "This is my nerdiest interview, ever."

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