Wed. February 25, 2004
Chicago, IL -
Bailiwick Repertory is now accepting submissions for the Adaptation/Translation segment of its 16th Annual Chicago Directors Festival The Adaptation/Translation portion of the festival is a highly successful segment which premiered last year. It features plays adapted from other mediums such as film, novels, short stories, poetry, and radio, or works translated from other languages and cultures.
Submissions are due no later than Friday March 5th by 5p.m. There is a $10 application fee. The first meeting for all selected pieces will be on Saturday March 20th @ 11 a.m. Auditions will take place at 1p.m. also on March 20th. Each week there will be a different set of pieces presented. The first group of plays will perform on April 26th, 27th and 28th and the second on May 3rd, 4th and 5th.
In July we will dedicate our summer segment to GLBT Briefs and spotlight gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans-gendered works and playwrights. GLBT Briefs will perform July 19 through August 4.
The final segment of this season's Festival will specialize in Children's shorts for various age groups and perform after the new school year begins in September.
Applications for upcoming segments of the Festival are available on the professional page of
All performances are at 7:30 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Tickets are $10
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