Gay Marriage Licenses 'Invalid' California Says

Thu. February 19, 2004

Sacramento, California - The State of California announced late Wednesday afternoon that it will refuse to recognize marriage licenses issued by the city of San Francisco, after the city clerk altered the license form to be gender neutral.

"There is a statewide form that every county has to use for marriage applications. If we receive application forms that are different from the single form used throughout the state, we will not accept them," said Nicole Kasabian Evans, a spokesperson for the Health and Human Services Agency.

Last week Mayor Gavin Newsom instructed San Francisco County Clerk Nancy Lalfaro to make the necessary changes to the forms and documents used to apply for and issue marriage licenses. ( story)

Lafaro changed the license form to remove the references to bride and groom.

"Instead of saying bride or groom, the form in San Francisco says applicant one and applicant two," Lafaro said.

The license form also uses the terms "unmarried individuals" rather than "unmarried man" or "unmarried woman.

"The changes make the licenses invalid," Evans said.

Peter Ragone, a spokesperson for mayor Newsom told that the city views the licenses as legal.

"That will be an issue we will bring to the courts if HHS refuses them," Ragone said.

Earlier today California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called on Newsom to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples and President George W. Bush called the licenses "troubling". ( story)

Barney Frank, a gay congressman from Massachusetts said San Francisco could be jeopardizing same-sex marriage efforts elsewhere in country ( story).

Tuesday, two San Francisco judges declined to immediately order a halt to the marriages. ( story)

Nearly 2,700 marriage licenses have been issued to same-sex couples in San Francisco since Thursday.

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