Sun. September 5, 2010
New York City -
A British tabloid claims that Lady Gaga wants to become a minister so she can unite gay fans in holy matrimony.
"Gaga has already taken an online course and is preparing to complete paperwork to become a qualified minister," claims the DailyStar.
The tabloid claims it's an intersection of her support for gay fans, as well as a recent God trip.
They quote Vogue editor Anna Wintour, who recently told Jimmy Fallon about a bizarre delay before a Lady Gaga performance.
"There was a moment when she was communing with God and praying in the back, waiting for God to tell her it was all right to go on stage," said Wintour. "Fortunately he gave her the message after 45 minutes."
Last week Gawker reported pro-gay marriage tweets from Gaga were censored by Apple on the company's news iTunes-based social network, Ping.
"At the moments notice of PROP 8 DEATH I instantly began to write music," GaGa tweeted. "BUBBLE DREAMS FOREVER! FULL EQUALITY! THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!"
The message did not appear on Ping.
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