Zoe celebrates National Pet Day with pet rock in escalation of tiff with Elmo

Mon. April 11, 2022

Elmo feud with rock began in 2004

Zoe the orange monster on Sesame Street celebrated National Pet Day by showcasing her pet rock on Sesame Street social media. This is despite defiance by Elmo that Rocco is not a real pet.

The three-year old monster with pink glittery hair and tutu is insistent that Rocco is real.

Fuzzy red Elmo has been feuding with Rocco since the mineral object first appeared on May 3, 2004. Rocco had been in the way of Elmo having fun throughout the episode.

Inanimate Rocco was gifted an oatmeal raisin cookie back then. Elmo was about to take the cookie when Zoe argued, "Rocco wants to eat the cookie."

"How is Rocco going to eat that cookie, Zoe?! Tell Elmo! Rocco doesn't even have a mouth," Elmo insisted. "Rocco's just a rock! Rocco's not alive!"

The event took the internet by storm in January of this year when the scene was repeated throughout Facebook, Twitter, and TickTock.

And it now seems Zoe won't let it go.

Elmo was not available for comment.

National Pet Day is observed in the U.S. on April 11 of each year.

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