Death threats made against openly-gay Kansas pol

Fri. August 27, 2010

Wichita, Kansas - An openly-gay politician in Kansas, who found a death threat taped to his door, says it won't stop him from fulfilling his mission of serving in Topeka.

Dan Manning, a Democratic candidate running for a Topeka house seat, found the note clipped to his apartment door last Saturday. Made up of typed words glued to paper, the note read DIE," "Kill," "MURDER," "Head OFF" and derogatory references to homosexuality.

Manning says he notified Wichita police immediately and they continue to investigate.

"If their point was to intimidate me, they did," Manning told the Wichita Eagle. "The only thing it really accomplished was to strengthen my resolve."

A 2004 West Point graduate, Manning served 8 years in the U.S. Army before being discharged under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

He is a board member of Knights Out, a group of West Point alumni, staff and faculty who support the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender soldiers to openly serve in the military.

U.S. Attorney for Kansas Barry Grissom says violence or the threat of violence will not be tolerated. In a news release yesterday, Grissom said his office will use every tool at its disposal to protect the rights of Kansans ensured under the Constitution.

Manning's opponent is long-time incumbent Brenda Landwehr, a conservative who according to has been a vocal opponent of equal rights for gays.

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