Human Rights Groups claim Iran has executed two gay men on sodomy charges

Tue. February 1, 2022

Iran has executed two gay men on charges of sodomy, according to human rights groups.

The men, Mehrdad Karimpour and Farid Mohammadi, were being held at the Maragheh prison in northwest Iran. The men reportedly were executed by hanging in the prison.

"The Ayatollah regime in Iran just executed two gay men for the crime of sodomy in Iran," journalist Karmel Melamed tweeted. "Where's the outrage from @StateDept @SecBlinken @glaad & other LGBT groups in U.S. to this horrific crime?!"

British LGBTQ rights activist Peter Tatchell spoke to The Jerusalem Post about the executions.

"The execution of these men follows a long-standing regime policy of the state-sanctioned murder of gay men, often on disputed charges after unfair trials that have been condemned by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch," he said.

Gay sex is a crime in Iran punishable by fines, imprisonment, and even death.

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