Tue. December 7, 2021
The Office of U.S. Attorney in New York City announced that a major threat was made against the city's annual Pride parade by a 74 year old man from Long Island.
Robert Fehring pledged to "shoot and bomb" the parade, and LGBTQ organizations, and make the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla. "look like a cakewalk."
He was arrested on December 6. His home was raided November 18. The search discovered shotguns and ammunition.
Among the stranger finds was an envelope with a dead bird stuffed into it.
Fehring admitted to sending the letters calling pro-LGBTQ messages in the media was a "sickening overdose" with "stuff being shoved down everybody's face on the paper, on the TV, and all over the place."
According to the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York and the FBI, Fehring had been making his threats in a series of over 60 letters since 2013 "through the use of firearms and explosives."
The letters were sent to local LGBTQ organizations, businesses, and even individuals, "You will be taken out...high-powered bullet...bomb...knife...whatever it takes."
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