Rallies backfire on gay marriage opponents

Sun. August 8, 2010

Atlanta - The National Organization for Marriage's (NOM) hateful anti-gay summer roadshow is backfiring on them.

The group is collecting signatures for what they hope is "an army for traditional marriage rights."

But thanks to good organizing over the internet, supporters of gay and lesbian marriage are generally outnumbering the NOM attendees at each event.

In Atlanta this past week, 300 pro-gay marriage activists outnumbered the 35 or so NOM supporters.

But in Atlanta, NOM did have a prominent person on their side: Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Alveda King said gay marriage would lead to "extinction" and "genocide." As the Georgia Voice pointed out, however, she did not mention that her Aunt Coretta Scott King was a strong supporter of gay rights.

In Madison, Wis. last month, supporters of gay marriage outnumbered opponents at a NOM rally by an 8 to 1 ratio, according to the Wisconsin Gazette.

"We're standing up for a great good," said NOM executive director Brian Brown to a small crowd of supporters. "We're standing up for the foundation of our society – that marriage, the union between one man and one woman, is something worth fighting for."

In contrast, Wisconsin state politicians who are trying to court the gay vote found the rally was a fertile ground.

"I'm here because I want to stand by all advocates and allies of equality for all," said lieutenant governor candidate Henry Sanders. "I think marriage equality is a civil rights issue, but I also think it's economic. We want to recruit and retain the most talented workforce."

In St. Louis last week, gay marriage supporters outnumbered NOM's people four to one, reported the Riverfront Times.

"Using religion to exclude people is immoral," said Rev. Rebecca Turner at the Missouri rally. "I believe that God made everyone and loves everyone and accepts everyone.

NOM's anti-gay marriage tour will continue for another week, with stops in Tampa, Fla.; Aug. 10 in Raleigh, N.C.; Aug. 11 in Charleston, W.Va.; Aug. 13 in Harrisburg, Pa.; and Aug. 15 in

Washington, D.C.

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