LGBTQ businesses, GrubHub to award $2M to other LGBTQ restaurateurs

Wed. October 13, 2021

National LGBT Chamber of Commerce will give away $5,000 to $100,000 to LGBTQ restaurants

Washington, D.C.-based National LGBT Chamber of Commerce has partnered with GrubHub to offer $2 million in grant money to LGBTQ restaurateurs. They are currently poring over applications from across the nation.

“These small business owners have been among the hardest hot by COVID-impact with loss of jobs and income over the past two years,” the chamber said of LGBTQ-owned businesses.

The grants will range between $5,000 and $100,000, depending on need.

“America's 1.4 million LGBTQ-owned business owners have shown incredible resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now, in turn, we can help them recover stronger than ever,” chamber president Justin Nelson said.

The grants come from a GrubHub's Donate the Change program.

“Diners opt-in, round up their order total, and donate the difference, with the company matching eligible donations from GrubHub members,” the chamber explained.

Major grant winners will be announced on-stage at the chamber's Back to Business Summit in Hollywood, Fla. The convention is happening November 17 to 19 at the Diplomat Hollywood Resort.

Local affiliate chambers include the LGBT Chamber of Commerce of Illinois and the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce.

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