Chicago indoor mask mandate back in effect; masks required in bars and restaurants

Fri. August 20, 2021

Chicago's indoor mask mandate officially went back into effect Friday morning.

With the city reporting more than 400 new cases of coronavirus per day, health officials have reinstituted a mask mandate for all residents age 2 and older, vaccinated or not.

Masks are now required inside bars and restaurants, stores, theaters, health clubs and other indoor spaces. 

There are some exceptions. Masks may be removed while eating or drinking in bars, restaurants or other establishments. They can also be taken off during specific activities that require their removal, like getting a facial at a salon.

Masks can also be removed by employees in settings that are not open to the public.

Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady, M.D., said the mandate will remain as long as the city continues to identify more than 400 new COVID-19 cases per day.

Bars, restaurants, and retailers in Lakeview and Andersonville, highly trafficked especially by the LGBTQ community, have posted messages over social media reminding patrons to bring their masks.

Signage has returned to some shopfronts.

Bill Gubrud, organizer of this Sunday's annual Out at Wrigley, is reminding ticket-holders to bring their masks even though Wrigley Field is an outdoor venue.

"I know it's an indoor mandate but I'm sure you will have to use them to go into the washroom at Wrigley," he announced on Facebook.


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